About ibew18

Local 18 represents over 9,500 employees working for five public sector employers. While most of our members are utility workers of one craft or another, they are also electrical workers, clerical, engineers, custodians, and tree trimmers, stretching from Boulder City, Nevada to Long Beach to the Oregon border.
Who we are
The millions of people who work and live in Los Angeles depend every day on reliable power and clean water safely delivered to every home and business in the city.
Local 18 is an affiliate of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). Although our name says “electrical workers,” our members come from hundreds of different job classifications.
Today, Local 18 represents over 9,500 employees working for five public sector employers. While most of our members are utility workers of one craft or another, they are also electrical workers, clerical, engineers, custodians, and tree trimmers, stretching from Boulder City, Nevada to Long Beach to the Oregon border.
To represent such a broad-based group, Local 18 depends on 210 shop stewards and 12 full-time representatives. Local 18 maintains its headquarters at 4189 W. 2nd Street, Los Angeles, CA.
Think of all of the workers needed to serve millions of people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and maintain thousands of miles of power lines and water mains all over the city. Those workers are our members.
Among other jobs, our members keep reliable power moving by repairing power lines, testing equipment for malfunctions, and operating electrical stations.
To keep clean water flowing, our members replace crumbling water mains, analyze drinking water for contamination, and design reliable systems for the future.
Local 18’s parent organization, the IBEW, has offices across the country and Canada with its International headquarters in Washington, D.C. Among the services it provides to its 1,600 affiliates are research, legal action, coordinated bargaining, organizing, and lobbying. It works on behalf of more than 775,000 IBEW members on the national level, along with Congress, many federal government agencies, and other national organizations.
IBEW Local 18 has helped our members since 1893. The entire time we have advocated for fair wages and good benefits so that our members can live and raise healthy families in Los Angeles.
We are proud to serve the people of LA and provide the vital water and power that keeps our city moving every day.