The following Clerical and Supervisory Clerical personnel have been given expanded ergonomic training. They are available to act as resources in the workplace to assist you in properly setting up your workstations and minimizing ergonomic stress to your bodies.

Ergonomics-trained personnel

Name                                   Work Location
Sandra Aparicio................... JFB Room 1522
Jacqueline Boddie................ Lincoln Heights District
Armando Bolivar................. JFB
Joyce Brown....................... JFB
Richard Chandler................ JFB-CRC
Laura Coia.......................... Transmission
Joy Cole............................. JFB Room 251
Barbara Cosenza................ Valley Generating Station
Martha Cuevas................... JFB
Donna Davis....................... JFB Room 1149
Debbie Ferrer..................... JFB
Donna Gaitan...................... Truesdale-Safety
Margie Garcia..................... JFB Room 1250
Bennette Johnson................ JFB Room 951
Lynette Lee.........................Loncon Heights, Service Planning
Judy Litowitz...................... JFB
Yolanda Lopez Canzano.... Street Lights
Debra McGhee.................. Wilmington District
Virginia Naranjo................. JFB Room 1250
Gloria Ortega...................... RS G Training Center
Jay Powe............................ Temple Street Building 5
Maria Renfrow.................... Sylmar
Debbie Romero................. Slauson Branch Ofice
Diana Schnaufer................. Van Nuys Service Center
Reuben Sepulveda.............. AOB-CCC
Keryn Serna...................... Lincoln Heights Service Planning
Lucille Slater...................... JFB Room 1221
Sheila Smith....................... West Los Angeles Station Maint.
Maria Solis........................ Boylston Electric Trouble
Pat Spinneberg.................. ECC
Ramona Strickland............ JFB
Nora Sydney..................... JFB Room 251
Anne Ulrich....................... Northridge District
Norma Valdez................... Central District
Anne Woodmore.............. JFB Room 424

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