Switching Over from Safety to Training

by Frank Miramontes, Local 18 President and Joint Safety Institute Administrator

I am pleased to announce that, effective immediately, I will be taking on the new and very significant challenge of Labor Administrator for the Joint Training Institute (JTI). As you may know, this Institute is charged with the task of creating and maintaining a productive and positive environment of labor-management partnership that continually educates and trains employees in our profession. Our people are schooled in the skills and understanding that lead to improved on-the-job productivity, worker employability and overall company (DWP) value.

Before explaining more about the JTI, I wish to acknowledge the work and the people who made my partnership assignment in the Joint Safety Institute (JSI) such a rewarding and productive experience.

I want to thank Chuck Kokoska, my co-administrator and partner at JSI, for all of his hard work and energy he brought to the deliberations and decision-making processes of this program. His commitment to worker safety is an outstanding example of a DWP manager's promise to back up his words with concrete action.

Additionally, in thanking the JSI Board of Trustees for its direction and support, I also wish to acknowledge the time, input and interest shown by so many of our brothers and sisters out on the job—what you had to tell us really helped us in our work!
The JSI is dedicated to reaching out to front-line employees as a strong and responsive voice for the safest possible work environment. Both labor and management must continue to focus on doing whatever is right and whatever it takes when it comes to safety. We must make sure that every DWP employee and manager understands that safety truly is everyone's responsibility. When any working man or woman gets hurt, we all lose!

This institute will continue to bring you information regarding the whole range of safety issues that affect us. Please keep a sharp eye for any JSI publications, including the 'JSI Newsletter', 'Top Safety' and the 'Earthquake Preparedness' booklet. Do not hesitate to ask your manager for a copy of any JSI publication that you may have missed.

Finally, I am fully confident that Brother Jim Barham will ably continue the important work of the Joint Safety Institute (please see his story on page three). Because safety and training are so closely connected, I will continue to work closely with Jim and the JSI.

Training is Fundamental

The Joint Training Institute has a multi-part mission. Overall, its aim is to help create a culture in which the best-available training will be available to every employee, with the goal of producing an even better workforce and more effective utility. Specifically, JTI believes in these priorities:

  • Safety is a core value that must be promoted and integrated in training programs.
  • Open communication between labor and management, along with clearly stated goals, will help foster mutual trust and respect.
  • Training is a key investment in the workforce.
  • Employees must be allowed to improve both their jobs and lives through participation in joint training initiatives.
  • Employee training needs must be effectively met in a safe, healthy and responsible manner.
  • Well-trained, able employees provide significant value to the DWP and the people of Los Angeles.

To discharge this mission, the Institute uses its trust funds to:

  • Provide advice and consultation on training needs, career mobility, job satisfaction and lifelong learning opportunities.
  • Assist in the design and curriculum of training programs that develop employee skills, increase productivity and add value to the DWP.
  • Establish accessible, flexible and enhanced learning opportunities that promote personal and career growth, and serve as an educational advocate and liaison for employees who take outside (of DWP) courses.
  • Identify specialized targeted training for core job classifications that are difficult to recruit and retain.
  • Recommend potential outreach efforts to communities on training programs that develop skills to help others get gainful employment.

The JTI will conduct audits in order to determine who needs training, in what specific fields, and what programs are already available for use.

Most residents within the DWP service territory have consistently recognized and appreciated the excellent work that you do every day, year in and year out. The Joint Training Institute and I are determined to work with you so that we will be better equipped to do an even more complete job for you in the future. At the same time, we will continue to remain in the forefront of workplace and workforce safety—because when you get right down to it, that's what it is all about!.



Business Manager's report
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New JSI Admin
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